Saturday, July 30, 2011

Finding the real you!!!!

          so today is my first day posting in some time.. a few months actually... a lot has happened and i guess i just needed sometime to process!!! I had a horrible few months which lead me to acting out and giving minimal care to my natural tresses. Very bad move b/c as I've mentioned i have been a natural for about 3yrs now, but, i only started to take care of my hair in jan 2011. As it turns out, abandoning the art of taking care of my natural strands in such an early state was not the best idea. This is the time when you learn what works on one persons head may not be what works on yours. This is the time when you find out which styles best suit you and which styles are best left behind the closed doors of your home. This is your foundation and I'd broken my foundation by going back to weaves and heat and thinking that was the only way i could achieve styles that allows me to look my best!!! Thank goodness i came back to my sense in time!!! expect more posting and updates from now on!!! =)