Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Suumer 2012 & beyond

Five months since my last post.... but im going to make this short and sweet.. im back and my blog is going to be treated just like my instagram. My summer will be fun and i will take you guys on my journey every step of the way :* more to come!!! REN

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So today is a new day, i am handling business so excuse my mia-ish actions... this blog will take off but i have to get myself together first in order to bring the best of me !!!! i feel empowered... i feel strengthen. the plans i have for this project will take off ... ill bring emotion, fashion, natural hair, strengthened hair, and more. More to come stay in tune!!! 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Where have i gone??

This is a new year.... but why do i feel like this same old person? actually i don't feel like the same old person. At least before i had something/someform of identification. Now, i feel as though i don't know whom this young female is. The one that stares back at in from the image upon the mirror. The one that has these voices every min every second going off faster then a rocket. My soul feels lost, but somehow i know I'm there when i pray. I believe in a god, not the one that they speak of but in a god. In a higher power of which this existence came from. I pray everyday to be shown a path. A path i am build for, a path i shall not divert from. Who am i?? This is my question. This is what i ask everyday, this is my life long mystery i crave to be demystified. i struggle with this battle of self discovery each day. It pains to awaken with sooo many goals and end the day with nothing accomplished. Motivation is the goal. motivation should serve as the key. Motivation presents itself intermittently through the day. As the body exhausts with each passing minute , so does this heighten feeling. So many times I've been on cloud nine just to have been pulled back down to the cruelty which exist as reality. Many offer decisions chosen to not dwell on, but they cross my mind mind ever so often. I tell myself: Do not regret these for they serve as lessons of life. But, i would like to stop learning and start living. If given the opportunity am i able ?? am i capable?? These are just mere random thoughts with no foundation and no end. Do not look for the connection within this piece. I myself will be searching once i post and reread because there will be no proof read. This is just a piece for today. A vent of this hour which is about a week over due. STart with the easy goals first and then gradually increase with to the moderates. Wipe those tears young lady or let them fall to the ground. But, and i repeat do not wallow within them.. for you tears do not define you character. Unitl next time sooner then later to come --Ren