Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A new Experience: A new me

Hello all.... boy am i new to this blogging venture! Yes, i have read many blogs, but nothing compares to the experience of creating your own. I don't know if i will follow up because an effective blog seems to be time consuming. But... let us see what shall occur. 
    I have been a natural for going on 3+ years. My mistake was the following: No Relaxer(perm) = Natural. So i just wore weaves and for the most part got a wash and set from my dominicans in the bronx weekly/bi-weekly even though i live in brooklyn I religious boarded that F train for about 30-45 mins and then the D train for another 30-45 mins to reach to my destination. Yeap thats how good my hair would come out. I mean after my follicles was halfway fried, then i would come home and flatiron until it flowed like the wind. The only good thing i was doing the whole time?? I used heat protectant while i flat ironed. But now i am smarter. No thank you to a follow-up of that routine. The whole time it seemed like my hair would grow to a certain length and then start to break off. So i am on a new journey now my mission is to grow my hair by naturing and caring for it in anyway possible. I am trying different products to see how my hair responds but, at the same time i do not want to become a product junkie.. I hear that can easily happen. Don't get me wrong for the past 3 years i have been using traditional but for the most part natural products. So i guess that was one step taken in the right direction. Whatever happens, as long as i don't have to take my weekly trips to burn my scalp, Im fine with that. lol.!!!
     My main purpose of creating this blog is to to get advice. At the same time i hope to be able to learn so much that i'll start giving advice also. Being a natural is not easy because of the special attention you have to ditch out to your hair but, i find it to be well worth it and very rewarding. We prove that being ethnic doesn't mean you have to be mixed with asian and black, be part indian, have "GOOD hair" or wear glamorous weaves to love your hair( don't get me wrong weaving for fun is excellent). Instead loving and caring for your natural hair is all we need. We have to embrace our s because that is a part of who we are.

   So lets have fun together and grow together. And please bear with me and my blogging as i am very new to this!


  1. Hey Cuz,
    I guess I'm your first poster. I'm new to this blog thing too so, no worries, I won't know if you fkup :-). I do have a recommendation for you. I've been using this product on mine amd Madalyn's hair and I love it. Everyone who has taken my suggestion and purchased the product, is now giving testimony. It's amazing, it works, it's all natural, and best of all, it's made by two Liberian brothers. It's called Shea Moisture and I get it from Target. Of course, we use the curly hair, but there is also a restructive line for chemically treated, dry brittle hair. Not expensive at $10/bottle. Try it! Can't wait to check out your review. Keep up the positive work! xoxox Kila

  2. Hey cuz,
    O this is just perfect because that's the big problem with my hair....... Maintaining the moisture that I need!!!!!! I'm definitely going to purchase it and give a full review!!! Lol thanks for the post and the advice I'm going to google it right Now also!!!!! Can't wait.... See you soon!!! Xoxo
